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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Dental Plans

ERS offers two plans:
DeltaCare USA (HMO) - your out-of-pocket expense depends on the service being received.  Employees must select a participating dentist and that dentist will then perform all of the employee's dental treatment.  Coverage under this plan is only provided in the state of Texas.  To view a summary of benefit, look up authorized dentists and discounted costs by service, please visit the DeltaCare USA HMO web site.

State of Texas Dental Choice - under this plan you may use any dentist you desire; however, there is a list of preferred dentists which you may choose from and save money. Delta Dental does offer two networks of dentists for the State of Texas Dental Choice: PPO and Premiere. Dentists under the PPO network will offer the greatest discounts, giving you lower out of pocket expense. The Premiere network offers dentists still in the network, but may have smaller discounts, leaving you with a higher out of pocket expense.


For more information on this benefit plan and preferred dentists, please visit the State of Texas Dental Choice web site.  This plan may be used outside of Texas.

For either of these two plans, Collin College covers the cost for the employee's coverage and the employee covers the cost to cover any eligible dependents.


Delta Dental does not issue cards. If you do not receive your introductory letter, please call Delta Dental at (888) 818 - 7925 to request a proof of coverage. You can also download the Delta Dental mobile application, available for android or iPhone.

MichelleMichelle Benvie
Assistant Director, Benefits and HR Support
(972) 599-3164

Benefits Team

Main Line: (972) 599-3152

TaraTara Rice
HR Generalist, Benefits
(972) 758-3849
Fax (972) 599-3156

MiliMili Kim
HR Coordinator, Benefits
(972) 758-3886
Fax (972) 599-3156

VinnaVinna Cook
HR Generalist, Benefits (Part-time)
(972) 599-3152
Fax (972) 599-3156