Ad Astra Scheduler

The Collin Ad Astra Scheduler plays a key role in academic scheduling and room requests. Customized request forms have been created for each campus to efficiently schedule all instructional spaces (classrooms/computer labs), small conference rooms, and conference center areas across the district.
To review the various campus request forms click here to visit the Ad Astra Scheduler Homepage. Do note that classrooms and computer labs are reserved for internal purposes only: Faculty or Staff Meetings, Class or Exam Reviews, or any other internal meeting request. If you need to schedule a classroom for an entire semester, please note that the Campus Provost Executive Assistant must approve this request. For a special request of an entire semester at CHEC (Collin Higher Education Center), Courtyard Center or Farmersville Campus, please contact the Executive Dean's Assistant (click here for a contact list).

To reserve a conference center for an Academic or Workforce division event requires the submission of two forms: An Ad Astra customized event request form and a digital Event Proposal Form. The Ad Astra event request form tentatively holds your requested space while all required signatures are obtained on the digital Event Proposal Form. Click here to submit an Academic and Workfroce Event Request Form.

To reserve any atrium spaces, parking lots, or event areas that are not Acaedmic or Workforce Department events, click here.

Special Browser Tip: Chrome is highly recommend for Ad Astra

For a specialized Ad Astra "user role," please email your Academic Division Dean or Workforce Department Director. Once the dean/director approves the access request, they email the campus provost executive assistant or assistant to the executive dean (EA) with the requestor’s information and the type of access the requestor needs. Do note that access will only be granted with the approval of the campus provost EA. The campus EA will then email the District Manager of Academic Scheduling, who will create the role for that specific access.

Click here to review the District Guidelines. If you have any questions, contact Sandi Herrera,

Ad Astra Information and Resources