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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Ad Astra Scheduler

The Collin Ad Astra Event Scheduling application plays a key role in academic scheduling and room requests. Customized request forms have been created for each campus to efficiently schedule all instructional spaces (classrooms/computer labs), small conference rooms, and conference center areas across the district.
To review the various campus request forms, click here to visit the Ad Astra Event Scheduling Homepage. Do note that classrooms and computer labs are reserved for internal purposes only: Faculty or Staff Meetings, Class or Exam Reviews, or any other internal meeting request. The Campus Provost Executive Assistants and Executive Dean Assistants oversee all spaces within their respective campuses. Click here for a contact list of the Campus Provost Executive Assistants and Executive Dean Assistants.

Please use the specialized forms created for district-wide departments to reserve any atrium space, parking lot, event area, or conference center. You may locate these forms on the  Internal Request  Conference Services webapage. Only "Academic or Workforce" divisions require the submission of  two forms:  An Internal Campus Academic or Workforce Event Request Form and a digital Event Proposal Form. Please submit the Academic or Workforce Event Request Form to reserve your space in Ad Astra tentatively. Once Conference Services receives and reviews your request form, you will receive an email with the link to the the digital Event Proposal Form. The event space will be released if you do not complete the digital Event Proposal Form within 10 days after receiving the email. Once all approvals are received, Conference Services will move the event from  Tentative  to Scheduled  status.

For more information regarding internal facility requests, contact Conference Services:

Conference Services 972-516-5030

Special Browser Tip: Chrome is highly recommended for Ad Astra

Click here to review the District Guidelines. If you have any questions, contact Sandi Herrera,


Ad Astra Information and Resources