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House Bill 5

What is House Bill 5?
House Bill 5 requires that school districts partner with at least one institution of higher education to develop and provide courses in college preparatory mathematics and English Language Arts to prepare students for success in entry-level college courses.  The courses must be designed for students in the 12th grade who have demonstrated (through assessments or coursework) that they are not ready to “perform entry-level college coursework.” A student who “successfully completes” such a course is exempt from the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative in that content area at the partnering higher education institution. 

HB5 supports efforts to retain and accelerate students to completing the Core Transfer Curriculum, Associate Degrees and requirements for career and technical degrees.  In consultation with secondary and postsecondary stakeholders, the Coordinating Board has developed a series of guidelines for school districts and institutions of higher education to consider as they develop local college preparatory courses.

HB5 College Prep Course Buddy Program
Collin faculty are paired with ISD high school teachers.  Collin faculty reach out to their high school teacher to schedule a meeting to discuss curriculum and course planning. During the first meeting Collin faculty schedule a follow-up meeting for the Fall Semester to check in and answer any questions or concerns high school teachers may have regarding the HB5 College prep course.

HB5 Collin College Leadership Team



College Prep Courses

College Prep Waiver Guidelines

HB5 College Preparatory Course Meeting Notes: June 2021

HB5 College Preparatory Course Meeting Notes: Spring 2019 

HB5 College Preparatory Course Meeting Notes: Fall 2018  

HB College Preparatory District Presentation: Spring 2019 Update