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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Courses and Grades


Courses and Grades  


Attending Classes at More than one Collin College Campus 
Students may attend classes at more than one campus during the semester.

Attending Classes at Collin College and Another Institution Simultaneously  A student may attend Collin and another college simultaneously. Students must check with the other institution to see what their policy is concerning concurrent enrollment. Transferability of Collin courses is the decision of the receiving institution.

Credit Hours Received Per Class   At Collin the number of credit hours for each class is represented by the second number in the course number. For example: Math 1314 has a value of three credit hours. Math 2412 has a value of four credit hours. A class that begins with a zero, such as Math 0305 is not a college credit level class and does not count towards credit hours for graduation or transfer to another college or university.

How Grades of "W" or "IP" Affect a GPA   Neither the credit hours nor grade is factored into the GPA.

Dropping a Class  Drop dates are listed in the calendar, in the class schedule and on-line. Students who drop classes after census date will receive a W on their transcript and the class will be counted as an attempt to take the class. 

Repeating a Class for a Better Grade A class may be repeated, however, the best grade of repeat class taken will be used to calculate the GPA.   Grades for all classes taken will be recorded on the transcript. 

Texas Common Core Classes Texas Common Core classes are determined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to fulfill lower-division requirements for the baccalaureate degree at Texas state colleges and universities. The core consists of 42 credit hours of approved courses. The core is located in the catalog.