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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Consequences for Dropped Courses

It’s important to know the financial consequences before you drop or withdraw from a course.
Contact your academic advisor or financial aid advisor to understand academic consequences.
Student Financials can determine potential tuition refund amounts.


       Drop or Withdraw from a Course       Things to Consider    
During Registration
(excludes Late Registration)

  - Receive 100% refund of tuition and fees paid

  - Course is deleted from your enrollment

After Registration (includes Late Registration) but before Census date

  - Receive 70% of tuition and fees paid

  - Class does not earn any grade and does not appear on your transcript

After the Census Date

  - Refund of tuition and fees is 25% to 0%

  - Based on duration of course and date of withdrawal (See Refund chart)

  - Must occur prior to 'last date for withdrawal' for term or weekend course

  - Course appears on transcript with a grade or 'W' for withdrawal. 




 - It is the responsibility of the student to drop any classes they do not wish to attend. 

 - Only courses dropped prior to the first day of the term or weekend course will be credited at 100%

 - Courses dropped on or after the first day of the term (beginning at 12:01 a.m.) will receive tuition and fee credits of less than 100%, per the State mandated refund rules.

 - Any tuition and fee reductions due to drop or withdrawal activity which result in a credit (negative) balance on the student account would then be eligible for Collin’s refund process.

 - Dropping or withdrawing from a class may change financial aid eligibility and/or academic standing. It may also affect visa status for international students and eligibility requirements for student athletes.