Are you ready to excel in your online courses and achieve your academic goals? Unlock
your potential and connect with a Student Success Coach today!
iCollin Virtual Campus Student Success Coaches are here to guide and support you through
your online journey with Collin College. We understand that navigating college as
a remote student brings unique challenges. Access the iCollin Virtual Campus from
anywhere in the world to explore your academic goals, and work with our coaches to
achieve them!
Services we offer:Coaching. Our coaches collaborate with you to develop personalized success plans tailored to meet your academic goals.
Join us in unlocking your potential -- make the most of your online learning experience by connecting with a Student Success Coach.
Contact us today! You can reach us in the following ways:
If you have a quick question, call 972-549-6416 and ask to speak with a coach. If you prefer to reach out by email, connect with
us at Please provide your CWID and specific question so that we can assist you.
We have times available throughout the week for personalized, one-on-one virtual coaching
appointments. Please reach out to 972-549-6416 or and specifically ask to make a coaching appointment.
We look forward to seeing you succeed in your online courses!