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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Cybersecurity Career Information and Planning

Want to start planning for your future career?



1. Wonder what the DFW metroplex has to offer for cyber job seekers? Take a look at Cyberseek:

Job Heatmap
Cybersecurity Career Pathways

O*NET Department of Labor Cybersecurity Job Outlook

USA Jobs Database and Descriptions


2. Consider exploring some free resources to see if you have a true interest in the field of cybersecurity:

Federal Virtual Training for the Public

TryHack Me: Ultimate Guide for Beginners
Level Effect Cybersecurity Foundations Training

National Initiative for Cybersecurity Career Studies: Career Videos
Clicked: IBM Skillsbuild Free Hands On Training
Free Course: Introduction to Cybersecurity by Cisco Networking Academy

Free Courses: Cisco Networking Academy

OvertheWire War Games 


3. Industry Certifications (remember testing vouchers are not included with tuition):


Which certifications align with my goals?
IT Certifications Job Match Tool: CompTIA
460 Certifications for Cyber Jobs Map (click certification to get more info)

Reduced student pricing for CompTIA exams:

CompTIA Academic Store Certification Vouchers


Free E-Books, Manuals, Test Banks, and Videos for current students:
O'Reilly E-books Library

*use your student email account for set up (Collin is not on this list, hit other institution)

ExamCompass Free CompTIA practice exam test banks


4. Want a virtual simulated work experience?
*use your student email account for set up
NICE Challenge Project
*real-world cybersecurity challenges within virtualized business environments to provide students with workforce
experience before entering the workforce.

5. I want to figure out a specialty within cybersecurity, how do I find my dream job and get those skills?


20 Coolest Careers in Cybersecurity according to SANS
Career Profiles from CISA
National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies Cyber Career Pathways Tool
and video on how to use tool
IT Career Roadmap


6. I want to hear from industry professional, students, community members about their experiences. How do I hear from them?

IT Factor with Glenn Carter Podcast Video
Workforce Tips Videos (includes many IT Factor Videos)

The Philip Wylie Show (for entry level students, and hacking enthusiasts)

Simply Cyber by Gerald Auger

CyberWox with Dayspring Johnson (alumni)


7. What are some ideal certifications for specific roles in a quick visual?


Source: Cyber Security News 


Certification Options


Industry Certificaitons NICE Framework