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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Preparing for Life in Texas

Items to Pack and Bring

If you are coming to Texas from another state or country, you might be unsure what to bring. The following link provided by the US Government has a list of recommended items.  

Pack List Suggestions

This list has helpful suggestions, but you do not need to bring all of the items on the list and you can certainly bring additional items that are not on the list. For example, some students have found it helpful to bring small souvenirs from their countries like pens or handkerchiefs to give as gifts to new friends that they make.

The Collin College Office of International Education also has a convenient checklist for you to make sure you have everything you need before coming to Texas.

Pre-arrival Checklist



Texas Weather

Weather in Texas is warmer than most other US states. The hot season is usually about 3.5 months from June 4th to September 18th with an average temperature of 31˚C. The cool season is usually 3 months, from November 25th to February 24th with an average temperature of 18˚C.

The rainy season is usually from the middle of April to the middle of June and around May 15th is the rainiest time of the year. However, October often has some rainy days also. In Dallas, snow is rare, but hail (small pieces of ice) is fairly common during April.
Rain Fall


Going to the Airport

Traveling can sometimes be stressful. However, if you are aware of the security regulations, it can make your trip easier. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) proves useful information that will help you get through airport security a little easier. Please visit the following TSA website for helpful suggestions: 

TSA Preparation Checklist

If you are flying to DFW airport, the following website can help provide some useful information about the airport:

Dallas/Fort Worth Airport




Transportation in Dallas DART BUS

Taking the Bus
Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) provides transportation in the Dallas area by bus and train. Maps, schedules, tripplanners, and “How to Ride” guides are available on their website. Students can travel to and from Collin College by bus along Bus Route 350. More information can be found here.

Driving in the U.S.
Driving in the U.S. requires a valid U.S. driver’s license and sufficient driver’s insurance. Insurance requirements vary by state, so you will have to be sure your insurance meets the requirements for Texas. If you own a vehicle, there are additional requirements like registration costs you need to think about. The Texas Department of Public Safety provides all the necessary information you need to know to drive in Texas.  You can visit their website for driving laws and requirements:

Texas Department of Public Safety




Things to do Cattle Drive

Texas has a variety of things to do and places to see when you are not in class, and many of them are not too far from Collin College. Below is a list of the top 15 best things to do in the Dallas and Fort Worth areas if you have a few days.

Top 15 best things to do in Dallas


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