Do I have to wear scrubs?
Yes. Students are required to wear scrubs, uniform patches, and School ID to classes and during the pharmacy rotation.
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The Pharmacy Technician program is currently located at the new Technical Campus where we have our pharmacy simulation lab. we have the advanced equipment and technology where our students will train and be prepared to serve patients.
Do I need to have textbooks on the first day of class?
No, but it is strongly recommended; however, text books will be required by the second week of class.
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What type of pharmacies can I work for?
Pharmacy Technicians do not only work in a pharmacy, but they can be hired in:
In-home health care settings
Community Pharmacies
Institutional Pharmacies
Compounding Pharmacies
educational programs
Long Term Care Facilities
mail service pharmacies
Employment Opportunities for Pharmacy Technicians
Ambulatory Medication Prior Authorization Coordinator
Medication Reconciliation Technician
Pharmacy Analyst Technician
Clinical Pharmacy Services Technician
Emergency Department Medication History Pharmacy Technicians
Pharmacy Purchaser
Informatics Technician
Tech Check Technician (TCT)
Industry Credentials
Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT)
Hazardous Drug Management Certificate
Technician Product Verification Certificate
Technician Immunization Administration Certificate
Medication History Certificate*
*After earning Level 1 certificate plus one year of experience conducting medication
histories and/or similar experiences of patient-focused communication.