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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Certified Roster

The Certified Roster Process


Financial Aid regulations require schools to have some way of knowing if a student started attendance in each/all of their classes. If a student did not start attendance, they are not eligible for any financial aid they were awarded for that class or classes and the school must adjust the student’s enrollment and Cost of Attendance (COA) to not include the class(es) and reduce the financial aid accordingly. Some schools accomplish this by having faculty take attendance. At Collin, the process is slightly different. Faculty are required to check their class rosters every day through the census date of the term (including for mini-session classes), as well as regularly throughout the semester.


The day after census date, the faculty will log into the system and report any student on their class roster who has never attended even one day to that point (or completed at least one assignment/participated in an activity for an on-line class).  This process is called certifying their rosters.


When a professor certifies or verifies that a student has been in attendance, it shows up in Workday.  The financial aid staff can see that the student has been verified (or not), and the student's aid will automatically adjust down for any classes in which the student has not attended (not been verified as attending). 


At the same time, the Bursar’s Office is also checking this information, and if students reported as not attending have no other payment type besides financial aid (i.e., only have financial aid), they submit those names to the Registrar’s Office for the student’s to be dropped from those classes they didn’t attend.


No financial aid money is paid (refunded) to students until the Financial Aid Office and the Bursar’s Office have determined if the student has been verified as attending and, if not, the system adjusts the student's aid. 



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