Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary loan is a service by which print books or periodical articles not owned by Collin College libraries are requested from other non-Collin College libraries.
eBooks cannot be requested.
You must be a currently enrolled student, faculty or staff member with a valid library card to make a request. Check WorldCat Discovery to be sure we do not own the item before making your request. Obtaining linterlibrary loan requests typically takes 7-14 days. Although you may submit as many requests at one time as you wish, only five will be processed per day per person.
Renewals: Lending libraries have differing renewal policies. To renew, call or bring the material to the checkout desk at least two days before its due date. Overdue materials cannot be renewed. There is a maximum of one renewal on items that permit renewals.
Note: Currently enrolled students, faculty and staff members from Collin College also have the option of borrowing items from Other Libraries in the area by visiting those libraries in person and using a TexShare Card.
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