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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Farmersville Campus Hosts International Celebration

May 10, 2021

Kirk Dickey

Farmersville Sister City Celebration

Farmersville Campus hosted a sister city signing ceremony on May 8, celebrating a partnership between the city of Farmersville and Holtzwihr, France, the site of Sgt. Audie Murphys brave stand against the Germans in WWII.

The event included an international video call between local officials and the those of Holtzwihr, a presentation by author and historian Henry Bodden about Audie Murphy, a signing ceremony between the two cities, and the promise of a gift exchange. About 60 people attended the event, including Murphys sister Nadine. Audie Murphy is one of the most decorated soldiers in U.S. History, winning more than a dozen combat awards, including the Medal of Honor and the French Legion of Honor. Both Farmersville and Holtzwihr have memorial exhibitions honoring Audie Murphy.

Several Collin College administrators and staff members were on hand for the event, which was also catered by the colleges food services department.

See images of the celebration below.

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