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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Collin College Offers COVID-19 Vaccinations to Students, Employees, Family Members

May 14, 2021


Student receiving an injection

May 14, 2021 Collin College is offering vaccination clinics for students as well as employees and their family members at different campus locations throughout the summer. Two doses of available vaccines will be offered on a voluntary basis. The vaccine clinics will continue into Fall 2021, pending available opportunities with vaccine clinic providers.

The first vaccination clinic was offered on May 6 at the Collin Higher Education Center. Nearly 300 individuals were vaccinated.

A second vaccination clinic will be held at the Frisco Campus Conference Center, located at 9700 Wade Blvd. The first dose will be offered on Thursday, May 20, and the second dose will be offered on Thursday, June 10. The Pfizer vaccine is now approved for children ages 12-15, and this clinic will be able to accommodate that age group.

Earlier this year the college partnered with the Wylie Fire Department to offer vaccinations for the community at the Wylie Campus Conference Center.

For more information about the vaccine clinics, contact Kim Davison, chief of staff, at

Collin College serves more than 58,000 credit and continuing education students annually and offers more than 100 degrees and certificates, including new Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Cybersecurity degrees. The only public college based in Collin County, Collin College is a partner to business, government and industry, providing customized training and workforce development. For more information,