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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Collin Theatre Center Stages Shakespeare in the 1960s

December 06, 2021


John Anthony Theatre

Dec. 6, 2021 The Collin Theatre Center puts a twist on Shakespeares beloved A Midsummer Nights Dream, transporting it to the Summer of Love for a few magical nights of puckish delights, Dec 8-12 at Collin Colleges Plano Campus.

Enjoy the Bards tale of befuddled lovers, mischievous fairies, and rude mechanicals, staged in a groovy 1968 setting. One of Shakespeares most celebrated works, the play explores love, marriage, and the differences between reality and appearance in a delightfully twisted tale.

The production is directed by professor Joanne Zipay, who founded and served as artistic director of New York Citys Judith Shakespeare Company for 20 years, from 1995-2015.

Performances begin at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 8-11 and at 2:30 p.m. on Dec. 11-12 in the Plano Campus Black Box Theatre.Tickets are free for students and $10 for all others. Tickets can be purchased at The Plano Campus is located at 2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway in Plano.

Collin College serves more than 56,000 credit and continuing education students annually and offers more than 100 degrees and certificates, including new Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Cybersecurity degrees. The only public college based in Collin County, Collin College is a partner to business, government and industry, providing customized training and workforce development. For more information,