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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Collin College Hosts Northeast Texas Small Acreage and New Landowner Conference

May 17, 2023


Collin College Hosts Northeast Texas Small Acreage and New Landowner Conference

May 17, 2023 Collin College will host the Northeast Texas Small Acreage and New Landowner Conference from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. on Friday, June 2 at the colleges Farmersville Campus located at 501 S. Collin Parkway.

The college has partnered with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service for this industry trade show and conference. New landowners as well as small acreage landowners who want to discover the latest agriculture techniques can find what they are looking for at this event. Presentation tracks are available for beginning landowners as well as in-depth topics on land management, livestock, and specialty crop management. Experts will address a variety of topics including Landowner 101, farm/ranch operations, crops, and livestock, what to do with your land, operations planning, soil management, agriculture/wildlife valuation, sprayer calibration, specialty crops, local resources, brush management, and multi-species grazing. Pesticide applicator license holders who register and attend the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) sessions can earn up to four CEUs.

The registration deadline is May 26, and the cost is $40 per person or $75 for two people and includes lunch and all course materials. To register, visit For more information about the event, email Collin College Director of Agriculture Anne Thornton at For additional registration information, contact the Hunt County Extension Office at 903.455.9885.

Collin College serves more than 57,000 credit and continuing education students annually and offers more than 100 degrees and certificates, including a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), a Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Cybersecurity, and a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Construction Management. The only public college based in Collin County, Collin College is a partner to business, government, and industry, providing customized training and workforce development. For more information,