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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

A Roadmap for the Future: Collin College Commences Creation of Seven-Year Master Plan

June 22, 2023

Cougar News

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Collin College has begun the process of creating its first seven-year Master Plan which will be in place from 2023-2030. The new Master Plan will incorporate relevant overlap from the current five-year plan which was initially slated for 2020-2025. The new Master Plan process began in January 2023 when the college’s Board of Trustees approved establishing the seven-year planning period of 2023-2030.

What is the difference between the college’s Master Plan and Strategic Plan?

The college’s Master Plan is a long-term, comprehensive document with foundational goals for programs and facilities. Its Strategic Plan contains operational goals that support the execution of the Master Plan.

“Together, both plans will provide a detailed road map for the college for the next seven years,” said Collin College Executive Vice President Dr. Bill King. “We are grateful to the Board of Trustees for approving the new longer master and strategic plan cycle which will allow us to address the needs of our varied stakeholders.”

Stakeholders for the master and strategic plans include the college’s students, taxpayers, community partners, faculty, and staff.

What are the overarching principles for the master and strategic plans?

The guiding principles for the college’s master and strategic plans include: passion for the college’s Core Values of Learning, Service and Involvement, Creativity and Innovation, Academic Excellence, Dignity and Respect, and Integrity; aligning the district’s academic and technical offerings with the service area’s and state’s highest needs; maximizing the use of the college’s unique resources and talents for the benefit of students and the communities served by the college; and using clear and easily understood metrics to measure and track success.


“The needs of our communities continue to evolve, and it is important to address these needs with affordable, quality education and workforce training,” Dr. King added. “The new Master Plan is our blueprint to a brighter future.”

There are many steps in the creation of the Master Plan which involves input from college leadership, campus leadership, and the Academic, Governance, and Strategic Planning Council (AGS), a shared governance group comprised of faculty, staff, administration, and student leadership. The Board of Trustees will review the proposed Master and Strategic Plans at a Board retreat this summer. The final master and strategic plans will be presented for Board consideration in August, and the new plans are slated to go into effect in September 2023 at the beginning of the college’s fiscal year.