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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

In Brief: August 2023

August 31, 2023

Cougar News

A black coffee cup and a stack of newspapers meant to symbolize catching up on news

Prof. Kandice Swarthout and two of Collin College’s 2022 Dental Hygiene graduates were published in the monthly Registered Dental Hygiene magazine. The research paper titled "Dental management of patients with Graves' Disease," by Jayci Jones, Lindsey Cunningham, and Swarthout is available for review here

Karina Taylor, professor of Veterinary Technology at Wylie Campus, was the recipient of the Association of Veterinary Technician Educators’ (AVTE) Margi Sirois Veterinary Technician Educator of the Year award at the annual AVTE conference in Palm Springs, California, on Aug. 5. The award honors the memory and legacy of Margi Sirois, EdD, MS, RVT, LAT, a fierce advocate for advancing veterinary technology and veterinary technician educators and past AVTE president. The AVTE supports veterinary technicians as integral members of the veterinary health care team. This award honors credentialed technician educators who have demonstrated exceptional strength in representing veterinary technicians in the field of education and exemplify works toward advancing the field of veterinary technology.

Student Alan Tovar has been selected as a 2023 Dr. Mary Hood Texas Region Scholar and will receive a $1,500 scholarship. This award is given to top-scoring Phi Theta Kappa members in the Texas Region based on their entry from Phi Theta Kappa’s scholarship application. The scholarship was created in memory of Dr. Mary Hood, a long-time Texas regional coordinator and Phi Theta Kappa board of directors member.

“rayas,” a print by Dr. Lupita Murillo Tinnen, was selected for The Texas Photographic Society’s TPS 31: The International Competition. An exhibition of the selected works by Dr. Murillo Tinnen and other photographers opens on Aug. 28 at the Nancy Fyfe Cardozier Gallery at The University of Texas Permian Basin.

The Collin College Law Enforcement Academy hosted the second-ever Texas Commission on Law Enforcement School Marshal Instructor School. Vetted and experienced Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) instructors from all over the state – including Collin College Police and Collin College Law Enforcement Academy instructors – attended the weeklong course. They can now return to their service areas and deliver the training.

During a trip to Greece this summer, Theatre Professor Joanne Zipay had the opportunity to present a classical monologue on the stage of the amphitheater of Epidaurus. She called it a “rare and unforgettable experience.” Zipay is pictured here with Smithsonian Scholar Dr. John Dobbins of the University of Virginia.

Dr. Ryan Pettengill, professor of History at Wylie Campus, has had an article titled “Detroit” accepted pending revision by the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History for its urban biographies series.