“The 125 Show” is the largest and most prestigious juried show of the Plano Art Association. Art association members and painters, sculptors, and photographers from up to 125 miles around the Plano area will display their artwork at the Collin College Art Gallery during the exhibition. Awards for the juried exhibition will be presented during the reception on June 20.
Plano Art Association has served artists living in Plano and surrounding communities for 50 years.
The gallery is located on Collin College’s Plano Campus, Room A175, 2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway in Plano. Visit the gallery’s webpage, www.collin.edu/department/artsgallery, for hours. For more information about this or other exhibitions, contact Dr. Anna Fritzel at 972.516.5028 or afritzel@collin.edu, or email theartgallery@collin.edu.
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