Standards of Performance
Employee Coaching Instructions
Contact your HR consultant BEFORE taking ANY disciplinary action to help you determine what level of discipline is the best approach to problem-solving in a particular situation.
The coaching notice is used in non-disciplinary circumstances to document conversations with an employee in which the supervisor provides constructive feedback for behavior or performance that has been discussed informally but is still not meeting expectations.
The coaching notice is completed in Workday. Be specific regarding the behavior, results, job responsibilities, impact, time frame, etc when providing constructive feedback. Once created and submitted, the notice will route to your HR consultant for review. Upon approval of the form in Workday, you and the employee will meet for you to deliver the notice. You can either print two copies of the notice for your meeting or use a tablet or computer to display the electronic notice. You and the employee will need to electronically acknowledge the delivery of the notice.
Detailed instructions for completing this process are available in the Workday Resource Center. Note: You must log in to CougarWeb to view this resource.
Employee Discipline Instructions
The discipline notice is used in situations that have either progressed beyond coaching or are serious enough to warrant discipline. Use of this notice requires prior conversation with your HR consultant to verify that disciplinary action and the selected level are appropriate.
After consultation with HR, initiate the discipline notice in Workday. In the Job Responsibilities or Behaviors section, provide specific information about incidents, performance, or behaviors that were inappropriate (including dates), policies or core values violated, results that were deficient in quality or quantity, etc. Describe what improvement or changes are needed for acceptable results.
In the Supervisor Support section, list the types of support you might provide to assist the employee in changing behavior or improving performance. This support may be new software or an improved tool, written procedures, a new form, coaching, a peer mentor, classroom visits, or on-the-job training. You should discuss this with your supervisor and/or your HR consultant to determine the best approach to ensure success.
Once created and submitted, the notice will route to your HR consultant for review. Upon approval of the form in Workday, you will meet with the employee to review the notice. You can either print two copies of the notice for your meeting or use a tablet or computer to display the electronic notice.
While meeting with the employee, establish a date to meet again for a follow-up discussion about progress toward the required changed behavior or improved work results. You may need only one follow-up meeting, or you may need several additional meetings for further feedback, questions, verification of training, etc. You and the employee will acknowledge that the notice has been delivered.
If the employee has not made the required improvement or changes in the designated time frame and after follow-up discussions, consult your supervisor and HR consultant for appropriate next steps.
Detailed instructions for completing this process are available in the Workday Resource Center. Note: You must log in to CougarWeb to view this resource.
Recommendation for Termination
The request for termination is used when terminating employment. Prior conversation with your HR consultant is required to verify that a recommendation for termination is appropriate. This process is completed in Workday.
Detailed instructions for completing this process are available in the Workday Resource Center. Note: You must log in to CougarWeb to view this resource.