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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Submission of Responses

Collin College prefers to receive all responses electronically via the district’s e-bidding system. E-mailed and faxed responses are not acceptable forms of formal bid submission. Vendor’s wishing to submit bids electronically should click on the “Vendor Registration” link to register for electronic bid submission.


Solicitation responses are received in the Collin College Purchasing Department by the time and date specified on the solicitation document and must be submitted in the manner indicated. A solicitation that is received after the time and date indicated is considered unacceptable and will be returned to the vendor unopened. Delivery at any other campus location or any other Department is unacceptable. The time/date stamp clock located in the Purchasing Department shall be the official time of receipt for manual responses. Electronic bid responses will be time and date stamped by the system.


Bid openings are held in the Purchasing Department, or in another location on campus, as specified on the bid document. All interested parties are welcome to attend any bid openings. Bid tabulations are available on the district’s e-bidding system immediately following the bid opening time, but may not include any manual submissions initially.


In the case of a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ), only the names of those submitting responses will be revealed. All responses are open to the public after award, with the exception of information marked confidential in the case of an RFP or RFQ. In those cases where a request to view a response that contains confidential information has been received, the college district follows the procedures outlined in the Texas Public Information Act.