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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Vendor Registration

Prospective vendors are encouraged to register with the college district’s e-bidding and supplier management system.


Vendors may register for the District’s e-bidding system at:

To receive bid notifications, click on "Subscribe" at:


Please contact Purchasing at (972)758-3874 if you have any questions.


With e-bidding, vendor’s will:

  • Register to receive notifications of upcoming bids in vendor’s respective fields
  • Complete and submit bids online
  • Review bid tabulations and awarded bid information online


Vendor pays no fees for utilizing the online bidding system.


It will be the sole responsibility of each vendor to maintain and keep current, their company’s information on the district’s e-bidding site.  In the event of a contact person name change, address, phone, etc., it will be necessary for the vendor to edit their company information on the e-bidding site.  It is understood that all bid notifications will be sent to the e-mail address supplied by the vendor; therefore, in the event of an e-mail address change or ISP change, it is imperative that the vendor information be kept current.  Otherwise, bid notifications will never be received by the vendor and the opportunity for bid submittal will be lost.


Collin College utilizes the District website, OpenGov and the McKinney Courier Gazette for notification of solicitation opportunities.  These are the only forms of notification authorized by the District.  Collin College shall not be responsible for receipt of notification and information received from any other source other than those listed.  It shall be the vendor's responsibility to verify the validity of all bid information received by sources other than those listed.