Here are some common registration holds and how to clear them:
IM - Immunization Proof Required
Students under the age of 22 must show proof of having a bacterial meningitis vaccination (or submit a conscientious exemption form from the Texas Department of State Health Services). The proof of immunization can be submitted by registering at the Med+Proctor website.
For more information, please visit
01 - TSI Assessment (TSIA)
The TSI Assessment (TSIA) is part of the Texas Success Initiative program designed to determine readiness for college-level course work in the general areas of English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) and Mathematics. Please refer to the TSI website for possible exemptions and the required Pre-Assessment Activity.
To resolve the hold, official proof of exemption must be provided by a high school or college transcript, an official test score report, or by taking the TSI Assessment in one of our campus Testing Centers.
For questions, please contact
M1 - Mandatory Orientation
First Time In College students at Collin College are required to attend orientation
prior to registration.
For details, please visit the orientation website.
MA - Mandatory Advising
If you have scored into a developmental education level on the TSI assessment in at
least one subject (ex: English Language Arts Reading -ELAR or Math), you must meet
with an Academic Advisor prior to enrolling for the next term. After your advising
session, the hold will be removed to allow you to register.
How do I satisfy the hold requirements?
Option 1. Online- No need to come on campus! Avoid lines and complete the session in CougarWeb. The
link is available in CougarWeb and can be found in the "Mandatory Training & Hold
Information" channel found on the Student tab. Select "Mandatory Advising" and complete
the requirements. Once complete, your hold will automatically be removed within one
Option 2. Stop by in person at the campus of your choice. Save time by reserving your spot online via our check-in system, CougarQ.
M3 - Mandatory Advising for all TSI
The M3 hold is placed on any student who scores into the developmental education level in both TSI subject areas (ELAR and Math).
The M3 hold remains active on the student’s account until they attend a mandatory advising session prior to registration, pass a Learning Frameworks course (EDUC 1300), or become TSI complete in at least one subject area (ELAR or Math).
Students must meet with an advisor to remove this hold. Contact Academic Advising here.
RQ - Campus Safety Training
New students must complete mandatory campus safety training. The link is available in CougarWeb and can be found in the "Mandatory Training & Hold Information" channel found on the Student tab. Once the training has been completed, the hold will be removed within one hour. If you encounter difficulty completing the training or have additional issues, please call 972.881.5902 for assistance.
F1 - International Permission/Withdraw Hold
An F1 permission /withdraw hold is a hold placed on the international student's account to prevent them from falling below full-time hours. They must speak with someone in the ISO department before the hold is waived or they can contact us at
HS - High School Enrollment Form
If you are a dual credit student, you must have a completed High School Student Enrollment Form on file with Collin College prior to registration. Please visit your high school counselor or the Collin College Dual Credit Website to obtain the permission form.
Your high school is required to provide the High School Student Enrollment Form directly to Collin College by the deadline established by your high school.
The form must be signed by a high school official (most commonly a high school counselor) and the student. Your parent/guardian must also sign if you are under the age of 18.
If you have already graduated high school and are continuing at Collin College after dual credit enrollment, please visit with Admissions about having your status updated. A final high school transcript will be required.
For questions, please contact Dual Credit: or 469.365.1850
ID: SSN/ITIN/WS9 Required
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires Collin College to report qualified tuition and fees and/or payments on IRS Form 1098-T. Collin College does not currently have a Social Security Number or other U.S. tax identification (TIN) on file for you.
Complete online by logging into CougarWeb. On the Student tab in the Tuition/Payment section (top right), select the Student’s Taxpayer ID Certification link. Or you may complete the W-9S form found here . Complete Parts I and II if you are providing a SSN/ITIN. If you are not eligible for a SSN/ITIN or decline to provide, please complete Parts I and III. You may fax the form to 972.758.3843, return by mail, or deliver in person on campus.
04 - Transcripts
All students are required to send official transcripts from their high school and/or previous college(s) attended.
09 - Disciplinary
The “Disciplinary” hold is placed on students’ records by the Dean of Students (DOS) Office. Students must schedule and appear for an appointment with the appropriate DOS case adjudicator in order to resolve this hold.
For questions and/or to schedule an appointment, contact the appropriate DOS Office at 972.881.5604 or
10 - Unsatisfactory Progress
If the cumulative Collin College GPA of a student is under 2.0 after grades have been posted, then the student will be placed on either academic warning, probation, or suspension.
Students must meet with an advisor to remove this hold. Contact Academic Advising here.