Sign up to take College Level Math
- Register for Your Test
For Collin students who have already met their TSI Math requirement, the College Level Math Assessment is available to take at all of our campus test centers. This test can be taken twice each semester, and the cost is $11.00 per attempt.
Allen - Technical
Wylie - Directions to Test Centers
Click here for directions to each campus, as well as where the testing center room is located on each campus.
Testing Center Locations - Test Requirements
■ Bring receipt as proof of payment
■ Bring ID (can either be current school ID, current driver's license or passport)
■ No cell phone or calculators allowed (there is one on the computer)
■ Two pieces of scratch paper and a pencil will be provided by the testing center
■ All students must have a CWID # - this is administered by the Admissions Department
- ALEKS Information
If you have taken an ALEKS assessment at another college, click the link below to see how your your score can be used for higher-level math placement at Collin College.
ALEKS Info page
For Collin students who have already met their TSI Math requirement, the College Level Math Assessment is available to take at all of our campus test centers. This test can be taken twice each semester, and the cost is $11.00 per attempt.
Allen - TechnicalCelina
Continue to Next Step
Click here for directions to each campus, as well as where the testing center room is located on each campus.
Testing Center LocationsContinue to Next Step
■ Bring receipt as proof of payment
■ Bring ID (can either be current school ID, current driver's license or passport)
■ No cell phone or calculators allowed (there is one on the computer)
■ Two pieces of scratch paper and a pencil will be provided by the testing center
■ All students must have a CWID # - this is administered by the Admissions Department
Continue to Next Step
If you have taken an ALEKS assessment at another college, click the link below to see how your your score can be used for higher-level math placement at Collin College.
ALEKS Info pageAdditional Information
The College-Level Math Assessment will allow for placement into one of the following college-level courses:
Score of 200 - 254 | MATH1314 College Algebra |
MATH1324 Finite Mathematics | |
MATH1332 Math for Liberal Arts I | |
MATH1342 Elementary Statistical Methods | |
Score of 255 - 284 | MATH1316 Trigonometry |
MATH1325 Calculus for Business and Economics I | |
MATH2412 Pre-Calculus | |
Score of 285 - 300 | MATH2413 Calculus I |
For tips on what to study before taking the exam, please click here, and scroll to 3.5 Math: Advanced Algebra and Functions Placement Test on page 24.
Placement into the following college-level math courses is dependent on the successful completion of previous course work:
MATH1350 Fundamentals of Mathematics I
MATH1351 Fundamentals of Mathematics II
MATH1376 Calculus for Business and Economics II
MATH2305 Discrete Mathematics
MATH2318 Linear Algebra
MATH2320 Differential Equations
MATH2373 Matrices, Vectors, and Linear Programming
MATH2414 Calculus II
MATH2415 Calculus III