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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Title IX Complaint Resolution Process

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This page provides a brief overview of Collin College's Title IX Complaint Resolution Process.

For more information and specific procedures, see the current Title IX Complaint Resolution Process Handbook for Collin College Students and Employees available here.
Collin College's Title IX Complaint Resolution Process
Collin College has adopted complaint resolution procedures to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), as amended and published on May 19, 2020, the Clery Act, and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). These complaint resolution procedures provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints alleging dating violence, domestic violence, gender-based harassment, retaliation, sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking (i.e., prohibited conduct). These complaint resolution procedures include information on how to report or file a complaint of prohibited conduct and how Collin College will respond once it has actual notice of an allegation of prohibited conduct.
Collin College's complaint resolution procedures apply equally to all Collin College students and employees who are participating in or attempting to participate in Collin College’s education program or activity. Additionally, these complaint resolution procedures only apply to prohibited conduct that impacted a person in the United States.
The Title IX Formal Resolution Process Flowchart, available here, provides an overview of Collin College’s Title IX Formal Resolution Process. For more information and specific procedures, see the current Title IX Complaint Resolution Process Handbook for Collin College Students and Employees available here.
The Title IX Informal Resolution Process Flowchart, available here, provides an overview of Collin College’s Title IX Informal Resolution Process. For more information and specific procedures, see the current Title IX Complaint Resolution Process Handbook for Collin College Students and Employees available here.
Collin College provides support (e.g., answering questions, appropriate assistance, resources, and referrals) to both the complainant and respondent throughout the Title IX Complaint Resolution Process. Additionally, Collin College assists each complainant and respondent with understanding their rights and responsibilities related to the Title IX Informal Resolution Process and Title IX Formal Resolution Process.
Complainant's and Respondent's Rights to Be Accompanied by an Advisor of Their Choice
In accordance with Title IX, both the complainant and respondent will have equal rights to be accompanied by an advisor of their choice who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney, to interviews, meetings, and hearings during either the Title IX Formal Resolution Process or Title IX Informal Resolution Process. Collin College will not provide an advisor for either party during the Title IX Informal Resolution Process or the Investigation phase of the Title IX Formal Resolution Process. Collin College retains the right to limit the role of both parties’ advisors during interviews, meetings, and hearings. If either party is unable to provide their own advisor for the Live Hearing phase of the Title IX Formal Resolution Process, Collin College will provide one (1) advisor to the party who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney, without any fee or charge solely for the purpose of conducting cross-examination.
Available Options and Interim Action
Collin College must provide certain options and interim action if the complainant requests them and they are reasonably available, regardless of whether the complainant chooses to report to local law enforcement, the Collin College Police Department, or the Title IX Complaint Resolution Process. Learn more about available options and interim action here.
If you have a protective order against a person, notify the Collin College Police Department at 972.578.5555 as soon as possible.

Privacy and Confidentiality
To the greatest extent possible, Collin College will respect the privacy of the complainant, respondent, and witnesses. Limited disclosures may be necessary in order to conduct a thorough investigation and comply with applicable law. Collin College will complete publicly available recordkeeping, including Clery Act reporting and disclosures, without inclusion of personally identifying information about the complainant. Additionally, Collin College must maintain as confidential any accommodations or supportive measures provided to the complainant or respondent, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality will not impair Collin College’s ability to provide the accommodations or supportive measures.
Standard of Evidence
Collin College will use the preponderance of the evidence standard (i.e., more likely than not to have occurred) when investigating and resolving all allegations of prohibited conduct. This evidence standard will be utilized whether the allegation is investigated and resolved through the Title IX Complaint Resolution Process, Student Disciplinary Process, or Employee Complaint Process.
Simultaneous Written Notification of the Outcome
In accordance with federal laws, Collin College will provide simultaneous written notification of the outcome, within the extent permitted by applicable law, to the victim and the person against whom the complaint is filed. The parties will be given the opportunity to respond to the report. This simultaneous written notification will include, but is not limited to, the following information:
1. The results of any disciplinary proceeding that arises from an allegation of prohibited conduct as defined by this policy;
2. Collin College’s procedures for the victim and the respondent to appeal the results of the disciplinary proceeding;
3. Any change to the results (e.g., through the appeal process); and
4. When such results become final.
Disclosure of Results of Disciplinary Proceeding
In accordance with federal laws, upon written request Collin College will disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense, as those terms are defined in Title 18, § 16, United States Code and the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act, 20 U.S.C., §1092 (f) (Clery Act), the report on the results of any disciplinary proceeding(s) and/or appeal(s) conducted by Collin College against a student or employee who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of such crime or offense, Collin College will treat the victim’s next of kin as the alleged victim, in accordance with the law.

In accordance with Title 18, § 16, United States Code, the term “crime of violence” means:
1. An offense that has as an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against the person or property of another, or
2. Any other offense that is a felony and that, by its nature, involves a substantial risk that physical force against the person or property of another may be used in the course of committing the offense.
For the purpose of this policy, Collin College defines “the results of any disciplinary proceeding” as the institution’s final determination with respect to the alleged crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and any sanction that is imposed on the accused through the student disciplinary and appeal process, the employee disciplinary and appeal process, or the student and employee Title IX Complaint Resolution Process.