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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

University Transfer Events



The Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Oklahoma State University

Please join us for Inspire Orange.
On-campus September 12 at 10 a.m.
Virtual event September 14 at 12 p.m.

We'll show you how you can help you can succeed at Oklahoma State University by providing you with important information about the admissions process, academic programs, and scholarships/financial aid opportunities. You can also explore the university with an optional tour starting at 9 a.m. before our on-campus event.

Click here to register


University of Texas at Arlington 

College of Nursing and Health Innovation


Please join us for a 30-minute virtual information session (VIS) for the opportunity to have your questions answered by a member of our team! 

Prelicensure BSN VIS

Every Wednesday at 3:00pm

Register to attend virtually at 


Every Thursday at 12:00pm

Register to attend virtually at  


Kinesiology, Exercise Science, Public Health VIS

Every Thursday at 3:00pm

Register to attend virtually at  


Dallas Baptist University

Transfer Day: Fridays

We will host an optional lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm. This lunch will be on campus and complimentary! You will be able to eat with our Admissions Staff and current students to learn more about life at DBU.

The campus tour will begin at 1:00pm. If you would not like to attend lunch, you may arrive at 12:45 to check-in for your tour.

Friday, May 5th   12pm - 2pm 
Click here. You will see an event calendar. Click on the event you want to access the registration form.


Texas Wesleyan University
Steve Witt 

May 17  Wednesday Evening Visit
May 27 CoAct Mindful Market
June 2 - July 28 TXWES Office of Admissions will be closed on Fridays


Louisiana State University
Jessica Vargas, MA

You are invited to meet 1-on-1 with an LSU Admissions Counselor, virtually, to receive an immediate admission decision or to discuss ways to enhance your application.

Register for one of the dates below, submit your Common Application, and have your transcripts sent to us or bring them with you to your virtual event. We look forward to meeting with you! 

Register for May 22
Register for May 24
Register for May 25

 Please click on the link below for more information about visiting the LSU campus, signing up for virtual appointments with Admissions and applying to LSU.

LSU Transfer Digital Flyer



Georgia Tech
transfer information virtually
The Transfer Team welcomes the opportunity to connect in-person or virtually with your students. We will continue to offer one-hour in-person and virtual transfer information sessions on a weekly basis.  


Tarleton State University

Tarleton State University
Erin Mace
Admissions Counselor

10850 Texan Rider Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76036
Email: Mace, Erin
Cell:  817-525-2297
Office: 682-703-7072 


Virtual Transfer Information Sessions
Participants will receive information regarding the transfer process, scholarships, and more.
Tuesdays 12:15pm & 6:00pm.   Registration link
Fort Worth Building Tour, Presentation, and Advising
Occurring every Friday, students will receive a transfer presentation and a tour of the building. Afterwords, participants have the opportunity to meet with their respective academic advisor.
Fridays, 10am.  Registration link
Click here to view the flyer

Southeastern Oklahoma State University 

SE Live! is Southeastern Oklahoma State University's annual open house recruitment event. All high school juniors, seniors, and transfer students are welcome.

- Check-in begins at 8:00 am
- Actual event starts at 9:00 am
- Attendees then transition into breakout sessions

All attendees are entered to win one of multiple $1,000 scholarship awards!

Please register today to secure a spot at this event: 



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