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Transfer U - University of North Texas


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 UNT - Collin Partnership

On August 11, 2000, Collin County Community College District and the University of North Texas  entered into the Eagle Bound Program that provides students an opportunity to complete their first two years of course work at Collin.

Benefits for UNT Eagle Bound Program:

  • Automatic admission for students who have earned an Associate degree and met all admissions requirements
  • Access to advising on the Collin College campuses (see information below)
  • TexShare access to Denton campus libraries
  • Eagle Pass card with access to select facilities, activities, and events
  • Discounted rate for Pohl Recreation Center
  • Discounted tickets to attend theatre, music, and athletics events

How does the pre-admission partnership agreement work?

Collin students must complete the Collin/UNT pre-admission partnership agreement application form available either on their campus or here on the Eagle Bound Program Form and submit the completed form to Office of Admissions at UNT.

UNT's representative will maintain contact with students and provide information about the services and resources available to participants of the Collin/UNT pre-admission partnership agreement.

When ready to transfer to UNT, students will complete the Texas Common Transfer Application and submit all necessary academic credentials to the university's Admissions Office. The Texas Common Transfer Application may be completed online at or Eagle Bound.

UNT's representative for Collin students is Chris Hubbard, Assistant Director of Admissions. Latrice and her team of admissions professionals are located at UNT's campus and collectively provide support for all transfer students from the various Collin campuses. 

To connect with Chris or any of his team, please email or call: 

Call: 972-668-7100

mail: Chris Hubbard



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