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Developmental Education

Developmental Education (DE) courses are designed to provide students with basic skills to achieve success in college-level courses and to pass the TSI (Texas Success Initiative) tests.



Developmental Education (DE) includes courses in English as a Second Language, Developmental Mathematics and Integrated Reading/Writing courses. The instructional formats of DE courses vary and include computer-based, lecture, online, express, weekend, self-paced, and non-course based formats.

Collin College has implemented Co-requisite DE Courses - a course format which allows you to enroll in credit Math, English and other credit courses immediately, when you also enroll in a developmental support course.


Select the tab below to learn more

Courses are recommended for students who are close to meeting college readiness.
    > Reading & Writing scores of 940-944 and/or Essay 4 or less
    > Math scores of 930-949


Summer 2025 DE Co-requisite Course LIst

Fall 2025 DE Co-requisite Course List

Although students receive grades for DE courses, those DE courses do not apply toward a degree or certificate. DE credits do not transfer to other institutions and DE grades are not calculated as part of the student's grade point average (GPA) shown on transcripts. However, DE grades are sometimes considered when applying for scholarships, financial aid, veteran benefits, etc.


DE coursework will help you acquire the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in college-level coursework.

If a student's scores on the basic skills assessment indicate that a student would be
better prepared by taking a DE course prior to enrolling in a college-level course in
a related field, the student must enroll in the DE course and complete the sequence
before enrolling in college-level courses in that field of study.


Collin requires that students demonstrating a need for remediation in reading, writing
or mathematics complete the appropriate sequence of DE courses in consecutive semesters,
although the student is not required to attend Collin College during summer semesters.


For students who do not place at college-level courses in all three Texas Success Initiative (TSI)  
areas of reading, writing and mathematics, a meeting with an Academic Advisor is required as well as mandatory course registration in EDUC 1300 Learning Frameworks.

EDUC 1300 Learning Frameworks is a college credit course that examines
learning based on research and the theory of learning psychology. This course is
available for all students who want to enrich their understanding of how to learn,
enhance their study skills, and explore their own strengths and weaknesses as
learners in order to develop effective personal learning strategies to increase their
likely success in other college courses.


For more information, see EDUC 1300 in the course description section.

DE courses may be taken for a combined total of no more than 18 credit hours
without incurring additional fees of $50 per credit hour. This additional fee is
applied because the state of Texas will not pay a state subsidy for DE credit
hours in excess of 18 credit hours. *If ESL courses are taken, a total of 27 credit hours
are allowed without incurring additional fees.


In addition, students may attempt to successfully complete any DE course only twice before incurring additional fees. Dropping a course before census day does not count as an attempt.  After two
unsuccessful attempts, students must pay an additional $50 per credit hour (i.e. for
a three hour course, additional fees are calculated as 3 X $50 = $150 additional
tuition) or the student may complete the course at another institution and provide
proof of successful course completion upon returning to Collin College.


Home school and high school students are not allowed to enroll in DE courses.


For additional information, contact the DE office at 972-881-5720.

For assistance with registration holds for Developmental Education, see an Academic Advisor at any Collin campus.


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