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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

•  Credit courses are generally taken as part of a degree program and provide college credits
•  Noncredit (continuing education) courses provide a purposeful and systematic process of acquiring and recording lifetime learning for individuals who are not enrolled in a formally structured curriculum
•  Noncredit courses provide Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
•  Some courses may last only a couple of hours and others may meet over several weeks.

•  Increase your knowledge and skill set, either to help you on the job or for your personal enrichment
•  Earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs), which are recorded on a continuing education transcript
•  Prepare to take an industry-recognized certificate exam
•  Courses are offered throughout the county at a variety of sites depending on the types of courses and availability of facilities

•  CEUs record satisfactory completion of certain approved occupationally-related programs
•  CEUs are awarded for successful course completion
•  One CEU is awarded for each ten (10) contact hours of instruction included in a specified continuing education program or activity
•  Successful completion is attendance-based, unless otherwise noted with "Passed Competencies" under "CEUs earned"
•  Ninety percent attendance is required for successful completion
•  These units are recognized nationally

•  Certificates are awarded upon completion of certificate series only, but are not offered for individual courses
•  Official school transcripts record Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
•  Official school transcripts may be requested by calling 972.985.3721 or online 

Continuing education works closely with credit programs to offer linked course enrollment in select credit courses. Space is limited and courses are not available every semester.
•  Linked courses are taught by credit professors
•  Continuing education students are expected to attend class regularly and complete all assignments, tests, and other deliverables for the course
•  Linked noncredit students earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) rather than semester credit hours for the course
•  Refunds are based on the Continuing Education Department refund policy
•  If a student would prefer to receive semester credit hours for a linked course, the student must enroll through the credit registration process rather than through continuing education. 

•  If a continuing education course requires a prerequisite, it will be specified
•  Prerequisites are stated to ensure students have the prior knowledge and skills needed to get the most out of the course and to be successful in that course
•  It is recommended that students talk to a continuing education staff member if there are any questions 

Details and application can be found on our CE Financial Aid Page.  Please give 6 weeks to process, so apply early. Our online system does not recognize funds awarded so please call our staff at 972.985.3711 to enroll

Continuing education classes are located at the Courtyard Center as well as other locations. See the listing of locations.

Contact us at:


CE Information


CE Admissions/Registration