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Collin College will close today at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18 due to potential bad weather. Classes and activities are canceled. The college will reopen at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 19. Check back for updates.

Personal Support

Academic and Personal Support Services


SUCCESS in the classroom can sometimes depend on the support a student receives outside the classroom. At Collin College we are interested in and committed to assisting each of our students with meeting their academic goals and dreams. In an effort to do just that, we offer many areas for personal support. During these tough economic times, Collin College has initiated a personal financial awareness and literacy program called Smart Money for our students. Because many students need assistance in areas of their personal lives, we have licensed mental health professionals on each of our main campuses. For those students who are not quite sure what path they want to take in their professional careers, we offer full-service Career Centers at no charge. 


Whatever your personal needs may be, check out all of the services and opportunities offered at Collin College. Remember, reaching your academic goals and dreams is as important to Collin College as it is to you.