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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Student Q&A


CougarWeb Questions  

I can't login to CougarWeb

  • Student must use the username (example: jsmith1) provided by Admissions.
  • Be sure to use Google Chrome, the recommended browser.
  • Clear your cache.

New students will need to wait approximately 24-48 hours after Admissions email receipt.

If student is still unable to login, they will need to contact Student HelpDesk at 972.377.1777 or for further assistance


My class is not listed under "Current Courses" within CougarWeb

Student will need to contact the Registrar’s Office at


I need my CougarWeb username and password and/or CWID

For username or CWID:
  • Search for an email from, to find the original email with this information.
  • Contact Admissions via email for further assistance.


For passwords:

  • Contact Student HelpDesk to reset your password at 972.377.1777 or for further assistance.


Canvas Questions

How do I use Canvas?

Student resources for Canvas, including a “Student Introduction to Canvas” course, are provided in the link below:
Click here to access the Student Canvas Resources page


Student able to log in to CougarWeb but not into Canvas

New students will not have access to Canvas until the first day of class.


Student will need check for any holds that could prevent them from accessing Canvas. Any holds will need to be resolved before getting access to Canvas once more.

  • Cougarweb > Student Quicklinks> View Holds link


For further assistance, student will need to contact Helpdesk at 972.377.1777 or


Canvas Assignment / Test / Turnitin submission error or issue

Students need to contact the instructor on matters regarding course assignments and tests. It’s also recommended that the student use Google Chrome, the compatible browser, and to clear their cache.


If the error or issue persists, student can contact the eLearning Center for assistance at 972.881.5870 or


Can’t see course(s) in Canvas

Courses take approximately 24 hours after registering for them to be added to Canvas.

Student will need to check their “All Courses” list in Canvas if course is not showing on their Dashboard. The linked guide can assist with this process: How do I view all my Canvas courses as a student?

If issue persists, please contact the eLearning Center at 972.881.5870 or for further assistance.


Office365 Questions / Support

Access to Free Office 365 (Word, PowerPoint, etc.)

Students can access their free Office 365 account to use the applications through their OneLogin account.


For support, go to the page linked below:

Click here to access the Microsoft Office Student Resources page


Other Questions

How do I sign up for classes? How do I find Online Advising?

To sign up for classes, log in to Cougarweb. Select the “Workday Dashboard” link under the “Student Quicklinks” section.

The following page has information on Academic Advising resources and contact information:

Click here to access the Collin College: Academic Advising page


Tutoring & Writing Center: Student Information

Visit the page below for more information on the Anthony Peterson Center for Academic Assistance:

Click here to access the Collin College: APCAA page


Admissions/Registration: General questions

Students are advised to contact Admissions for general questions in regard to admissions and registration. Their contact information can be found using the link below:

Click here to access the Collin College: Connect With Us page


I have a hold on my account. What do I do?

Use the link below to access the Hold Information & Resolution Guide on how to resolve each hold:

Click here to access the Hold Information & Resolution Guide page


Continuing Education / Dual Credit student

For more information on Continuing Education, select the link below:

Collin College: Continuing Education page


For more info on Dual and Concurrent Credit, select the link below:

Collin College: Dual Credit page


Library Laptops: problems with laptop checked out from Library

Students will need to communicate the problem with the library circulation desk in the library. 


Library / Computer lab computers - can't log in/ PHAROS (Pharos is printing system on library PCs and in campus open labs)


Students must use last six of CWID as Pharos password, even if they changed their CougarWeb.


Students will need to contact HelpDesk via email at including the following information: student’s full name, CWID, Collin College email address and description of problem.

Additional info regarding Library Computer Use on Library Guidelines and Procedures


Publisher content / Access Code issue

Students will need to contact their instructor on information on publisher content for their course. For additional assistance, the student can contact the bookstore if the materials were purchased with them. For the bookstore contact information, please use the link below:


Click here to access the Collin College Bookstore: Contact Us page


If the issue persists, students can contact the eLearning Center at 972.881.5870 or for further assistance.

Remote Proctored Exam

Students will need to contact their instructor first for any assistance on remote proctored exams.


For additional resources on remote proctored exams, please visit the page below:

Click here to access the Collin College: Online Proctored Exam resource page


If any issues persist with proctored exams, students can contact the eLearning Center at 972.881.5870 or for further assistance.


Transcripts and / or Degree Audit

Information on transcripts and how to order an official transcript can be found using the link below:

Click here to access the Collin College: Transcript page


Wi-Fi issues: Student is not able to connect to Wi-Fi on laptop

  • Make sure caps lock are off.
  • Check if the credentials you are entering are correct. The credentials to sign in for the Wi-Fi are the same as your credentials to log into Cougarweb.
  • Go to a specific website, such as, to trigger the Collin Wi-Fi Sign-In page to activate.
  • If issue persists, please contact Student HelpDesk at 972.377.1777 or for further assistance.


TSI, Compass, CLEP, ESL assessment, and most any other tests

All testing questions will need to be directed to the Testing Center: 

Click here to access the Collin College: Testing Center page


What courses at Collin will transfer to my University?

Transfer students can use the following link for resources on the admission process and courses:

Click here to access the Collin College: Information for Transfer Students page


Smarter Measure: What is the user name and password?

The username and password for the Smarter Measure assessment is listed on the dedicated page:

Click here to access the eLearning Center: Smarter Measure page